June 14, 2024

The AI-Powered Everything Extension for Legal Education 1:00 PM  -  2:00 PM The AI-Powered Everything Extension for Legal Education 133

The AI-Powered Everything Extension for Legal Education

Portrait of Suffolk University Law School Professor David Colarusso. - CALIcon24 Keynote Speaker
David Colarusso

This session will explore the use of the platform-agnostic LIT Prompts browser extension as a tool for legal education. Discussion will include using the tool to simulate client interactions and reflective journaling, along with how it can be used to introduce students and instructors to ideas surrounding the use of Large Language Models (LLMs). By giving LLM prompts access to the browser and making them reusable, editable, interconnected, and importantly, sharable, the extension can serve not only as a sandbox to learn about LLM use but as a tool for turning “toys” into valuable educational experiences. Though these experiences can focus on the tech, instructors can use them to create sand-alone assignments capable of exploring any area of legal education. See e.g., https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

Session Category :  Friday June 14  Room 133