June 14, 2024

Navigating the Relationship with IT 9:00 AM  -  10:00 AM Navigating the Relationship with IT 137

Navigating the Relationship with IT

Allen Brown

Jane O'Connell

While some law schools have IT employees and some rely on main university IT support, the University of Florida Levin College of Law has adopted a blended service model. A seven person IT team is fully embedded at the College of Law but are employees of the University of Florida Information Technology Academic Technology Support Services group. Pursuant to a multi-year Memorandum of Understanding between the College and UFIT, they work exclusively at the College of Law supporting our classroom technology, office technology, and audio/video systems for numerous events every week. Allen Brown, the Law Team Supervisor, and Jane O’Connell, Associate Dean for Legal Information who oversees IT at the College, will discuss the challenges and benefits of this arrangement and give tips for working with departments across campus to support a law school’s IT needs.


Session Category :  Friday June 14  Room 138